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(Instagram @kaylatido_mally)

Hi! I'm Kayla, and I'm a mommy, a wife and an actor.

My interests include making beautiful things to put in the world and making tasty things to put in my mouth.

In 2010 we discovered Courtney had a gluten allergy. Up until that point her favorite thing in the world was Oreos, and anything you bought gluten-free at the store almost a decade ago did not taste good.

Food makes me so happy it absolutely broke my heart that she couldn’t have such a simple pleasure anymore. So, I took to the Internet and discovered how I could make my sister her Oreos. That’s when the incredible world of baking was opened up to me.

That has lead to me finding all sorts of outlets for my passions, flavor and art.

I firmly believe in living life honestly. I hope I can be as candid as possible about juggling motherhood, mental illness and a difficult career path.

All with humor! That's one of my coping mechanisms!



(Instagram/Twitter @courtneymally)

Hello! I'm Courtney. I'm a (some-what) recent college grad navigating this new phase of life pursuing a career in news. I love fashion, gluten-free food, writing and beauty.

My gluten-free journey started in 2010. I was 4'11" and weighed less than 90 pounds at age 14. I constantly had stomach aches, joint pain, migraines and slept for 12-18 hours at a time. It wasn't until we cut gluten out of my diet that everything started to turn around for me. Not only did I grow 6 inches and gained 30 pounds by the time I turned 18, but my overall quality of life improved exponentially. I also discovered I LOVE FOOD!

I've struggled with anxiety and depression on and off my entire life, and consider myself an advocate for understanding mental health. I just want everyone to live their best lives, OK?!

While we are not doctors or experts in the slightest, we want to be a resource for you from allergen-friendly eating, to natural mental health and more. 

So, yeah. We're sisters who like a lot of stuff and want to share it with you all.

Follow us on Instagram (@glamandglutenfree) on Twitter (@glamandgf) and any questions, comments or more importantly--memes-- to our email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Peace n blessings.